Benjamin Kreps:
Hey everyone, and welcome to the Mark Prater podcast where our aim is to connect our global family of Sovereign Grace churches with our executive director. Mark, as we record this podcast, you are preparing to head out of town to attend a leadership team retreat. And these are regular events each year in Sovereign Grace where you and the leadership team meet together for several days, but not only the leadership team, you also include the regional leaders and this time, even others on top of that. So talk to us about the upcoming leadership team retreat and who all is going to be there and what you're going to be doing.
Mark Prater:
Yeah, thanks for asking, Ben. It's a very strategic retreat for a number of reasons. It begins on Monday, February 3rd. So when you receive this podcast, that's the day it's starting. And I thought it'd be good just to let you know it's happening, but also to ask for your prayers. We have found that this particular retreat in February is very strategic because we as a leadership team gather, but the first half of the week we have all of our US regional leaders join us, and then we've invited some other leaders as well. So just some reminders on who those people are. Regional leaders here in the United States are Rob Flood, John Loftness, Steve Teter, Josh Murphy, CJ Mahaney and Jayce Hudson, Greg Dirnberger, Darryl Schiel, Eric Turbedsky, and we've also invited Walt Alexander who helps CJ lead the region. CJ wonders if he's a future regional leader in his region. So those are the regional leaders that will be there.
And for this retreat, we invited some other important leaders as well; Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music and leads Sovereign Grace Music, and Joel Shorey, our new Director of Church Planting, a non-leadership team director. So both those guys are non-leadership team directors along with Eric Turbedsky. He's a regional leader in the West. He is also our Director of West Coast Development. And then we've also invited Brian Chesemore from the Pastors College, Jim Donohue, who leads our evangelism efforts to stir evangelism in Sovereign Grace. We've invited Josh Blount and we've invited Bart Lipscomb, who is an area leader in Africa, but based in the States so he can make it to this particular retreat. And those are just the guys that are really helping us lead our family of churches; our regional leaders plus those other men.
And that's why this retreat is specifically important and strategic for the leadership team. We want to stay connected to our regional leaders and the other leaders as well. And we want to communicate that we lead Sovereign Grace with them because they're very much on the front lines of leading and helping serve our churches. So that's why it's very strategic. Another reason it's strategic is because typically this February retreat and the things that we cover there do influence the regional assembly of elders that our regional leaders lead typically in the spring, somewhere between March and April of the year. So that's why we do it. That's who's coming. And please be praying for our time together because as I've planned and prepared, I feel both an excitement for how God is going to work and a dependence upon God to work while we're together.
Benjamin Kreps:
Excellent. Yes, it's quite an assembly of wonderful pastors that you'll be gathering with next week, including my favorite regional leader, Rob Flood. Shout out to Rob. So during this week, what are you guys going to be covering, well, especially during that time together as the leadership team meets together with everybody, what will you be covering?
Mark Prater:
Yeah, on Monday, the retreat starts on Monday, and on that day, we're really just doing regional updates. We just want the regional leaders to give an update on what's going on in their region. That's always been very helpful and informative for us as a leadership team, and at least in the past, some of those updates have surfaced issues that are consistent across regions that pastors are facing. And that will help us actually structure the pastors conference in the fall and what do we preach on, as an illustration of why it's so important. So we'll get updates on Monday, and then on Tuesday morning we have Jeff doing a longer session on the pastoral epistles, which I can't wait to hear. Jeff is always going to be gold in that type of a session, so he'll spend the morning doing that. And then Jon, we've got a particular program we're working on that we want the regional leaders input on.
And then that afternoon, the rest of the afternoon, we've asked guys to give updates. So Joel Shorey will give a church planting update. Jim will give an evangelism update. We've got Brian talking about the pastors college students and the issue of the importance of Godly character, just learning from him there and things like other things we're working on. Jon's going to give an update on church adoptions, for example, I'm going to just draw the regional leaders in on our pastoral development and deployment program, grant program that we're launching. So that will be Tuesday. And then we have Wednesday morning with them, and we've asked Josh Blount to do a longer session teaching on biblical masculine leadership, which I can't wait to hear that from Josh. And then Jon's going to teach on boldness in partnership, and then we'll close the retreat with them around noon.
The leadership team will stay for the rest of the week, Wednesday through Friday morning. So most of us are there all week, and we've got a number of things planned for our time together as a leadership team. We always begin once the regional leaders depart and the other leaders depart, just to do a debrief from that time with them, what are the big things we're taking away? What did we learn? How might that shape the things we need to address as a leadership team? How might it shape our pastors conference? And then we've got that afternoon, just a number of updates and things that we're working on, like the ordination standards ad hoc committee that the Council of Elders voted that we should do as a leadership team. We've got some principles we're discussing for that committee. And then we'll choose who's on that committee as an example, we'll be talking about leadership development in Sovereign Grace, got Jared giving an update there.
And then on Thursday, we're going to spend all morning planning the pastors conference, not only for 2025, but 2026 as well. Sometimes when you do pastors conferences, you want to make sure that you're addressing certain things in both years. So that's why we at times do them together. And we've just got a session I've wanted to put in on missions and church planting. I think just trying to bring a little bit more definition to who a Sovereign Grace missionary is, for example, which is one of the things that is actually very exciting, that's sort of emerging from our churches; people who want to do cross-cultural mission work and can they be a Sovereign Grace missionary? And what would that look like? And just wanting to try to bring more definition to that to help our churches. So those are just a few of the things that we've got on our agenda.
There's a longer list. I always have a longer list than what we get through, but please be praying for our time together. Our hope is that this time encourages and strengthens our regional leaders and the other leaders, and that it also, that God would work in such a way that the decisions we make and the things we move forward do two things; that they serve our churches and our pastors, that's why the leadership team exists. We exist to serve the pastors and churches of Sovereign Grace. And then the most important thing we hope it accomplishes is that as we do all of that, we bring God much glory.
Benjamin Kreps:
Excellent. Yeah, just a few things, huh? That you're covering? Yeah, right. Just a few things. Just a couple. Well, it sounds like a full week, but we'll be praying for everyone who's gathering at this retreat. And we should, because we experience the fruit and effect of that gathering each year when we gather in our regional assemblies and when we attend the pastors conference. We are experiencing what you guys have spent time planning and praying about at these retreats. So looking forward to hearing about how it goes. Praying for God's blessing on all who gather and on you, Mark, as you lead the leadership team in Sovereign Grace.
So thanks, Mark, for the update. Thank you all for checking out the podcast. We'll see you here next week. Lord willing. Bye for now.