A Letter of Appreciation

Dear brothers,

I’m writing to thank you for the many ways you are laboring in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to pastor, lead, and care for the members of your church. In God’s good sovereignty, He uses pandemics to reveal many things. As I hear about the ways that you are responding to the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic presents, my respect and appreciation for you has only increased. Here are some of the ways I see God is using this pandemic to reveal things about you, for which I thank God for.

This pandemic reveals your true calling as a pastor.

You are not men who are running away from this pandemic, rather, you are men who have run right into it with faith and courage. Your prayers, long hours, and the hard work you have done to serve your church reveal that you have been faithful, you have stayed at your post, and by God’s grace are even more resolved to pastor and protect your church. If you weren’t called, you would have quit. But you are men who have taken the people of your church by the hand and said to them, “fear not, for our God is with us.” (Isaiah 41:10) I thank God for how He is using this pandemic to reveal your true calling as a pastor.

This pandemic reveals your heart to shepherd the flock of God

Peter exhorts us “shepherd the flock of God that is among you…” (1 Peter 5:2a) The necessary isolation this pandemic has produced reveals your heart to shepherd those among you who God has entrusted to your care. The frustration, pain, and burden you feel because you can’t be with your people only reveals the shepherd’s heart God has given you. The creative ways that you have used Zoom, Skype, phone calls, and texts to talk with your people, counsel your people, and pray with them all reveal a heart to shepherd the specific flock God has entrusted to your care. I thank God for how COVID-19 has revealed your heart to shepherd your flock.

This pandemic reveals your devotion to our ecclesiology

COVID-19 has forced us to ask questions like, “How can we remain faithful to our ecclesiology and still pastor our people especially when we can’t gather together?” Just the fact that you are wrestling with that question reveals your devotion to continue to build your church on solid theological ground. You are men who don’t want to compromise all the entailments of corporate worship that we enjoy. I also believe that because you have been faithful to our ecclesiology, where you have taught the primacy of the local church, and the practice of gathering together every Sunday in particular, when this pandemic is over, you are going to see the fruit of what you have built for years. In other words, right now the members of your church are anticipating the day when you can all gather together because you have been faithful to our ecclesiology. I thank God for your devotion.

This pandemic reveals your commitment to our gospel partnership in Sovereign Grace.

Our interdependence to advance the gospel together is not only a New Testament reality, but also an important aspect of our culture in Sovereign Grace. We have always built relationally with one another, and God has used this pandemic to show us why we must continue to do so. I have been so encouraged to see our pastors sharing ideas and resources to help and strengthen one another. I’ve watched with joy as Sovereign Grace pastors reach out to one another, encourage one another, pray for one another, and care for one another. By God’s grace, we will endure, and even thrive, in this pandemic together because you are men who are committed to the gospel partnership we share. I thank God for your ongoing commitment.

These are just some of the ways that I see God using COVID-19 to reveal the good work He is doing in each of you. I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to say this or not, but I’m going to say it anyway. I’m so proud of the pastors in Sovereign Grace! And I continue to count it a privilege to labor for the gospel alongside each of you.

“As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13

With my heart-felt appreciation,
