A Peek Behind the Scenes


Benjamin Kreps:

Hey everybody. Welcome back to the Mark Prater podcast. Mark, you do not appear to be in your office or at your home. Where are you?

Mark Prater:

I'm not. I'm on vacation with my family, including my kids and grandkids. We're in the Virginia Beach area and thought we'd do a podcast to talk a little bit about the personal side of Mark Prater.

Benjamin Kreps:

Yeah. And I appreciate the third person, the way you referred to yourself in the third person. Ben Kreps wants to ask you a couple of questions if you don't mind.

Mark Prater:

Yeah, go ahead.

Benjamin Kreps:

So what are you guys doing? How's it going down there? How’s it going grandkids?

Mark Prater:

How's it going grandkids? You guys having a good time?



Benjamin Kreps:

What have you been doing? Tell us some stories.

Mark Prater:

So the beach is two blocks that way. We have been spending some time at the beach. Behind us is a canal where we've been doing some fishing and let's see, Levi, what have you caught while you've been here? Real loud.


I’ve been catching a lot of fish and now I caught two crabs. But I only got one here but one fell back in the water.

Mark Prater:

Yeah. He caught a bunch of fish and two crabs if you heard that. Let's see, Avery, what did you catch?



Mark Prater:

 Fish! I thought you caught a crab. You don't want to talk about the crap? Okay.

Benjamin Kreps:

Are you guys eating that stuff? Are you eating it or are you catching and releasing?

Mark Prater:

It's catch release. It's not big enough anyway. So then we're spending part of the day at the beach. Chloe, what did you like about the beach?


The ocean and burying people in the sand.

Benjamin Kreps:

My kids love doing that.

Mark Prater:

Who did you bury in the sand?



Mark Prater:

You buried Lucy and who else?



Mark Prater:

Alright, Madeline, what do you like about the beach?


Mostly that we're all at the beach together.

Mark Prater:

That we’re all together at the beach, that's a great answer.

Ben Kreps:

Sweet, yeah.

Mark Prater:

So the other tradition we have here is a game we call, it's become known as church in our family. So I gather all the kids around and I ask them questions from the Bible. And if they answer those questions rightly then what happens is they get candy.

Benjamin Kreps:

Ooo sweet!

Mark Prater:

Yeah. So they love that game. You want to play it again tonight? Right?

So the best question and answer so far came from this guy right here, Jesse. So the question was, what were the names of Jesus’ parents? And everybody's going around the room, Joseph, Mary, Joseph, Mary. We get to Jesse and he said, Evan. That was his answer. Evan. Yeah.

Benjamin Kreps:

That’s a new one.

Mark Prater:

 And then after that answer, he declared himself a genius.

Benjamin Kreps:

Very nice. Was there candy? Did you deem that a correct answer?

Mark Prater:

No, you know what? It was so creative I gave him candy.

Benjamin Kreps:

Yeah. He gets some style points.

Mark Prater:

Yeah, that's right. By the way, this is Isla, who is probably the most avid fisherwoman we have. So, we’re having a good time.

Benjamin Kreps:

What's the rest of the vacation look like? Anything fun coming up?

Mark Prater:

Well, we're going to head to the beach. Actually, we're going to do a little kayaking today here in the bay. And then we'll head over to the beach later and probably do some fishing too.

Benjamin Kreps:

Great. So glad that you get to have a vacation with those you love the most.

Mark Prater:

That's right. It’s a lot of fun.

Benjamin Kreps:

I guess we'll get back into having regular conversations about Sovereign Grace next week. But I imagine a few grandpas that are watching this who are enjoying as they think about their own grandchildren. So reporting from the front lines of vacation, Mark Prater. Thanks. And we'll see everyone who's watching right now, we'll see you all next time. Bye now.

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