Building Relationally


Benjamin Kreps:

Hey everyone. And welcome to the Mark Prater podcast, where our aim is to connect our global family of churches with our Executive Director. Mark, historically, and currently, we build together relationally in Sovereign Grace Churches. Can you talk to us a little bit about that value that we have, the priority we place on that relational dynamic? And then you have some updates for us. But could you talk to us about that? What you're thinking right now?

Mark Prater:

It's a value that we've always had thanks to the leadership of C.J., our founder, who's just really built that into our culture. Building relationally is really a part of the gospel culture in Sovereign Grace, especially among the pastors who really see themselves as brothers going through a gospel ministry and mission together. And we captured that on paper. It's, you know, captured in our Seven Shared Values, the seventh value being united in fellowship, governance, and mission. And that, at least on paper, tries to capture that value.

But I think it's important to always keep before us, especially as we expand globally. Because as we expand globally, which I believe is going to happen by God's grace, it will be important that we don't lose that value and that we have ways of connecting with one another, even across the globe.

So, as I think about the future of this podcast, if we don't get canceled after season one, Ben.

Benjamin Kreps:

When is season one over? I feel like we might be in season one for a few years here.

Mark Prater:

I’ve got to check with our producer about that. I don't know it's over. But if we don't get canceled after season one, I sort of envision the future of this podcast as being one means to keep guys updated on what's happening in different churches, across the globe. It’s at least as one way to keep us connected together, relationally.

Benjamin Kreps:

Yeah. And I think that's, for many of us, what stings so much about not having the Pastors Conference next month, because many of us, most of us, have grown so accustomed to having those days to connect, to build together, to rekindle friendship and fellowship. But, Lord willing, we will have a Pastors Conference next year. You've got some updates for us as pastors to be thinking about in some churches down South.

Mark Prater:

Yeah. I just have gotten emails over the last few days, actually. One from Joe Alcantar, who's in El Paso and one just last night from Carlos Contraras, who obviously is in Juarez. And what's sort of unique is there is in El Paso and Juarez, there is an outbreak of COVID. Joe emailed me and said can you be praying for our city and for our churches?

So, we have two churches in El Paso, Cross of Grace Church that's led by Ricky Alcantar and then Misión de Gracia led by Helman Avila, a Spanish speaking church. And then we have Iglesia Gracia Soberana de Cd. Juarez. And those two cities are uniquely connected together, culturally, relationally and economically. So the impact is really being felt in both of those cities. I know from what Carlos told me last night that actually, patients in El Paso are being asked to volunteer to be airlifted to other hospitals in the state just to make more room for the hospitalization needs that they have in that city. Carlos was also saying that they have now have over 25 members who have tested positive. Most of them have mild symptoms, some don't. He's just concerned for his church, as is Ricky and Joe Alcantar, as is Hellman.

So, I just wanted to give that update because I think that's one way that we stay connected relationally. If you guys are listening to this podcast, please pray for those three churches: Cross of Grace Church, Misión de Gracia and Iglesia Gracia Soberana Juarez. And for those pastoral teams who are seeking to shepherd and care for their people during a unique time there, for sure.

Benjamin Kreps:

Sad to hear. And I'm sure we will be praying, as a family of churches, for those churches down South that we're connected with. Any other thoughts about our relational building together before we conclude here?

Mark Prater:

Yeah, I think it's what you just said. When you use that phrase “family of churches,” of course, we're a denomination. We can't deny that. We've got the Book of Church Order, but we never want to lose, being a family of churches, which is connected together relationally.

And I think that relational connection really does strengthen our mission. Partly because we know that we're doing mission together, but also because I think it can be a means by which we stay united and unity is necessary for mission to move forward.

Benjamin Kreps:


Mark Prater:

So, I just think it's important, not just for the benefits of what we enjoy when we see people at the Pastors Conference and share a meal with them when we haven't seen them for a year, but it's also practically in the day to day. It does impact our mission together.

Benjamin Kreps:

It truly does. And Jesus said as much in John 17 when he prayed and said that the world will know that the Son was sent from the Father by our unity. And so thank you, Mark, for leading us and encouraging us in that unity. And thank you everyone for watching. We'll see you here soon. Bye for now.