Sovereign Grace in Germany


Ben Kreps:

Hey everyone and welcome to the Mark Prater podcast, where our aim is to connect our global family of churches with our Executive Director. Mark, I'm a Generation-X guy. When I was growing up as a kid, a big deal was, "where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?" I don't know if you remember that. But today we're playing "where in the world is our Executive Director?" Mark, where are you?

Mark Prater:

That's great. Well, you want to guess? No, I'm joking. I am in Hamburg, Germany. I just arrived here this afternoon. And the reason I'm here, and very excited about the reason I'm here, is to participate in the Eckstein Conference hosted by Arche Church, here in Hamburg, Germany; a church that has a wonderful relationship with Sovereign Grace. And there will be pastors from throughout Europe at this conference this week. I'm here, Jeff Purswell arrives tomorrow. So I'll be preaching, Jeff will be preaching, and the pastors from the Arche Church will be preaching. I just learned today from Christian who picked me up at the airport, that Michael, whom we've been sending funds to from our family of churches, in Ukraine, for the war relief effort, will actually be here with his wife this week.

I can't wait to meet and talk with him face-to-face. So it's an annual conference that they do. And it's one that impacts pastors throughout Europe. Not only for those that are here live, but I believe they actually broadcast the conference as well. So I can't wait for this conference to begin and the good work that God is gonna do. If you're listening to this podcast or reading it, please pray for this conference. And then after the conference is over, it ends Sunday, Jeff and I are going to lead the first Sovereign Grace Europe pastors meeting next Tuesday. And we're really looking forward to that as well.

Ben Kreps:

That's excellent. Well, what are you anticipating on talking about and doing at that meeting?

Mark Prater:

Yeah, this is the first meeting, officially, of Sovereign Grace Churches, Europe. And I was just in Bristol the last few days. Bristol, England. Spent time with Matt Chapman and Pete Bowley and the folks of Grace Church. It's a church that's just doing so well. It's a joyful grateful, humble group of people. They really get the gospel at Grace Church in Bristol. So Matt and Pete will be coming over from England. They're coming over on Monday. And we also have pastors obviously here from Germany that will be here. Ed O'Mara is coming from Italy. And then Kyle Huber is bringing two or three pastors from Belarus who are going to attend the Eckstein Conference and the first Sovereign Grace Europe pastors meeting.

And something interesting happened while I was in Bristol. We met with some pastors in the area that have had interest in Sovereign Grace for some time. One of those pastors attended the pastors conference, I think it was three years ago. His name is Greg, he's in the Bristol area. And we just got talking and I thought, Hey, why don't you come to the Sovereign Grace Europe meeting on Tuesday? And he said, I'm coming. So it was really exciting; another pastor in Europe interested in being a part of Sovereign Grace. So what we're gonna do basically is spend some time so those pastors can get to know one another. We want to obviously build relationally here in Europe. And then after that we’ll just talk about what Sovereign Grace Europe should look like. The Europeans need to obviously build Sovereign Grace Europe. So we want to just dream with them and pray with them and talk about the future should the Lord give us grace to build a family of churches in Europe. So if you would, if you're listening or reading this podcast, please pray for that meeting as well.

Ben Kreps:

Yeah, Excellent. So encouraging to continue to see God working in Sovereign Grace globally. Also, I went to Pastors College with Matt Chapman and one of the pastors in Hamburg, Marcus Kniesel. So, shout out to Marcus and Matt.

Mark Prater:

Yeah, they'll be here. I'll pass along a Ben Kreps greeting.

Ben Kreps:

Excellent. Well thank you, Mark, for the update. We'll be praying for you guys and for all involved at the Eckstein Conference. And thank you all for reading or watching this podcast. We'll see you here next week, Lord willing. Bye for now.

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