Posts tagged em
Welcome To My Podcast

For well over a year now, my friend Eric Turbedsky has encouraged me to start a podcast. I had a number of questions and reservations, including “I’m not sure I have anything interesting to say.” But Eric persevered and I now have a podcast and we are going live.

My goal is simple.

I want every Sovereign Grace Church pastor to see what I see.

My role as your Executive Director provides me with so many wonderful insights into God’s work among us. And this is what I plan on reporting to you in every podcast. I hope you enjoy the insights and updates. I pray you feel more connected than ever to our gospel partnership. Let me know if you find this helpful or have something you think I should be sharing with everyone.

If you are a pastor of a Sovereign Grace Church or employed by Sovereign Grace Churches, we have taken the liberty of subscribing you to my updates. You’ll get every episode delivered automatically into your inbox. However, feel free to unsubscribe or follow along via my blog or on Youtube.